The best way to finish the 2017-2018 Financial Year – and start the new one
As we race to the end of the Financial Year, we can find ourselves feeling swamped by how much there is to do.
This is the busiest time of year for our industry, and our clients’ livelihoods depend on us doing what we do well.
Many of our clients are just as stretched. In our numerous meetings, phone calls, and emails (which seem to occur at twice the rate as other times of years), it’s not unusual for our clients to share with us how hard this time of year is for them, and their families.
That they are struggling to ensure they can do everything they need to do.
It’s important to note that this isn’t just the case for accountants, financial planners or business owners.
It’s the same situation being faced by the dedicated and hardworking team behind Warrnambool and District Food Share.
Warrnambool and District Food Share is part of Foodbank Victoria, delivering donated food to local families and individuals who, without these deliveries, would go hungry.
And Food Share is busy. Busier than ever before. But Food Share’s workload is high for reasons very different to ours.
The cold winter months mean higher electricity bills. More medical expenses. The need for more clothes to keep families warm. Sadly, local families are foregoing food in order to meet these costs.
Food Share exists because of the generosity of others. There is no Government funding stream. Unlike those in businesses like ours, Food Share’s clients certainly aren’t billed for the service they receive, or the items that are delivered. The irony is that most of these clients would probably prefer they never had to even use Food Share!
The service Food Share provides is made possible due to others’ good will, generosity and good fortune. Food Share now needs that good will, generosity and good fortune more than ever.
To help meet their growing need for assistance, Sinclair Wilson is running, up until the End of the Financial Year, an in-office food and fundraising drive to generate food and money for this worthy cause.
Food items – such as breakfast cereals, pasta, pasta sauces and tinned food – as well as cash – can be brought into and left at our Warrnambool office up until 5pm on Friday 29 June. We invite all employees, clients and local community members to contribute what they can.
We’ll then mark the end of the Financial Year – our biggest and busiest day of the year – by delivering these donations to the amazing team at Warrnambool and District Food Share, to ensure they can continue to distribute food to those who need it.
We figure there’s no better way to see out an old Financial Year, and welcome a new one.
Kane Grant is a Volunteer Director of Warrnambool and District Food Share.