Risk Management

Our health is our greatest asset in life. In good health, we work to enjoy our lifestyle, look after our family , and plan for the future.  It is fair to think we will always have our health and be able to work until we retire, but we know this isn’t always the case. When unexpected serious illness or injury happens, the first thing we worry about is how we will pay bills and keep our home. It is smart to manage this financial risk  along with that of our untimely death with life insurance and other personal insurance policies.

At Sinclair Wilson Investment Services, we know the importance of protecting you and your family financially with the right package of insurance policies.  We have a dedicated Risk Advisor, who can assess your needs, explain your options, and make recommendations to suit both your requirements and budget.

Regardless of the types of covers you may need be it:

  • Life Insurance and/or Permanent Disability
  • Income Protection
  • Critical Illness Cover
  • Business Will and/or Key Person Cover

Our Advisor has the freedom to compare the market and recommend the package of covers to suit your needs.