Les’ Sharp Skills Translate to Local Learning

Posted on 31/05/2018 by Sinclair Wilson in General News, News, Sinclair Wilson in the Community

Sinclair Wilson’s expert team aren’t just specialists in accounting and finance. Our colleagues have a diverse range of additional skills and interests that they are committed to sharing with the rest of their local community.

Financial Planner Les Batchelor is one example – Les has been sharing his sharp skills as an expert knife maker with Emmanuel College Warrnambool‘s Year 9 Metalwork students this year. Les has been providing the class with a unique opportunity to master a fascinating and traditional craft, utilising the school’s new state-of-the-art industrial skills facility.

Click here to read more about what Emmanuel’s lucky students have learned under Les’ expert tutelage.

Sinclair Wilson Financial Planner Les Batchelor schools Emmanuel College students on the finer points of the traditional craft of knife making.