Sinclair Wilson is SWH’s Business Donor of the Year in 2008

Posted on 31/12/2008 by Sinclair Wilson in Sinclair Wilson in the Community

One of the largest accounting firms in regional Victoria has made the largest business donation to South West Healthcare’s Warrnambool hospital for 2008. The $10,000 Intensive Care Unit defibrillator that Sinclair Wilson contributed $6,962.80 towards has arrived and is now in use.

ICU staff are thrilled with its capabilities which Sinclair Wilson partners Peter MacMillan and Felicity Melican got to witness up close and personal on a recent visit to the Intensive Care Unit (see photo below).

The much-needed defibrillator will help save lives by re-starting hearts that stop beating and by correcting dangerously irregular heartbeats. It can also act as a temporary pacemaker.

“Sinclair Wilson recognises the importance of South West Healthcare to our community”, Peter told staff during his ICU tour. “‘We congratulate them on their new building initiatives and are delighted to assist the expansion of their medical facilities with this contribution.”

Other donors who contributed to the defibrillator appeal included the Warrnambool Charity Dance Committee, Willie Elings, Lorna Price, HM & NF Gilbert, Brigitte Benzing, the estate of Reverend Reg Peirce, S&J Burton and D&J Barr & family in memory of Andrew Green.

“We have received tremendous support for our 2008 fundraising initiatives,” says SWH Community Partnerships Manager Suzan Morey.  “Without this assistance we would never have been able to purchase some of the medical equipment and aides our campuses were desperate to get hold of, or have been able to finance the vitally-needed redevelopment of the acute bathrooms at our Camperdown hospital.”

Sinclair Wilson is SWH's Business Donor of the Year in 2008

Intensive Care Unit associate unit manager Joanne Brown shows Sinclair Wilson partners Peter MacMillan and Felicity Melican the $10,000 defibrillator they more than half paid for.