Light Up a Child’s Christmas

Posted on 08/12/2016 by Felicity Melican in Sinclair Wilson in the Community
Felicity Melican
Felicity Melican is Lead Audit and Assurance Principal at Sinclair Wilson’s Warrnambool office, specialising in providing advice and assistance to clients across many industries within the business sector.

It’s that time of the year again. The decorations are going up, Christmas carols are playing in every store and spectacular Christmas light displays are lighting up the pleasant summer nights. The organised amongst us are checking the final items off our Christmas shopping lists, while the rest of us are thinking we should really get around to making a list soon.

Amongst the school breakups, work Christmas parties, last minute shopping and the promise of family gatherings full of Christmas cheer, it’s easy to forget that for some people in our community Christmas cheer is in short supply. Be it families impacted by poverty or domestic violence or children in foster care, there are many children throughout our community who, without our help, may wake up to find little under the Christmas tree.

At Sinclair Wilson we’re continuing our tradition of partnering with local charities to bring joy to these children on Christmas morning. We encourage all our Principals, Staff, Clients and members of the general public to donate to the Sinclair Wilson Wishing Tree again this year.

By taking a tag from the lobby of our Warrnambool Office and buying an age appropriate present for a young local boy or girl, you can help us ensure no child has to go without this Christmas.

This year we have partnered with:

Thank you.

Have a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year from the Principals and Staff at Sinclair Wilson.

Sinclair Wilson Wishing Tree 2016 With Rotary Volunteers

A big thank you to Gerard Barker, Andrew Gray and Eddie Raymond (pictured left to right) and the Warrnambool Central Rotary Club for distributing gifts to our partner charities.