Peter’s Project Target $5 Million
Sinclair Wilson are proud supporters of the Peter’s Project which is raising funds to attain radiotherapy and a regional cancer centre for the residents of South West of Victoria and the South East of South Australia. For more information about the project and how you can support by making a donation, visit
About Peter’s Project
From Peter’s Project beginning in September 2008, our wonderful community has supported and grown with us on our journey to attain radiotherapy and a regional cancer centre for the residents of South West of Victoria and the South East of South Australia.
Together the Peter’s Project have achieved so much and now we are guaranteed a regional cancer centre and improved services for those in our community who need life saving cancer treatment. The Victorian State Government have fully committed $15 million to this project and we now know that the Federal Government have also committed $10 million to ensure that we receive a comprehensive facility. With the committed $5 million community contribution, we now look forward to a $30 million Cancer Centre for our region.
The Cancer Centre will be established to offer patients in our region, radiotherapy and vital treatment whilst diminishing the need to travel lengthy distances. This allows patients in our region to be given the best possible cancer treatment available whilst remaining close to their home, family and support network. Every 100km a patient lives from a cancer treatment centre indicates that they have 6% more chance of dying from cancerĀ – so if someone living in Warrnambool had to go to Melbourne for treatment, they would have 18% less chance than metropolitan patients of survival.
Over the past 4 years, our community eagerly raised $800,000.00 without being prompted to do so, which has been an outstanding achievement. This important milestone would not have been reached without you – our generous supporters.
Peter’s Project has appreciated your support but we must all now, as a community, rally closer together and raise a total of $5 million to assist in the building of this much needed facility. In doing this, it will give each and every one of us ownership of this fantastic outcome. (As at end October 2013, we have now raised $2.7 million toward our goal.)
With your help we can improve cancer outcomes for patients throughout our region as we continue to challenge this indiscriminate disease. We can help reduce the impact cancer has on us all.
You, your family or someone you work with may need this cancer centre one day. 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
The future for Peter’s Project is an exciting one, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who support us and will continue to do so….to achieve Peter’s Project Target $5 million !!
– Vicki Jellie
Director Peter’s Project